IAC launches its dedicated community for start-ups and SMEs: Thinqtank.

thinqtank. is your exclusive access to current trends, knowledge and a valuable local network.

What do aspiring, agile start-ups and established medium-sized companies have in common? We find quite a lot.

Both are striving for growth, have to survive in rapidly growing and changing markets. Digitalization, technological innovations as well as increasing competition and innovation pressure demand start-ups and medium-sized companies equally. It is time to join forces.

The thinqtank. brings together startups and established medium-sized companies from the greater Düsseldorf area. The aim of the energetic community is to analyse markets at monthly meetings, discuss problems and challenges, exchange business cards, make contacts, establish business partnerships and share experiences – in other words, exactly the things that make for a successful business evening. Everything in a cosy atmosphere, with canapés and drinks in the heart of the northrhine-westphalia.

We will have monthly changing keynote speakers who provide interesting insights into exciting topics and current developments. The first speaker in October will be Dirk Sander who will share his thought leadership on social entrepreneurship.

Join thinqtank.

Tangible results at each mission

July 17, 2023

The space industry’s path to a sustainable future 

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